April 11, 2022

Perfectionism is costing you…

Today we're talking about perfectionism… and it's kinda meta cause it's what I just tackled with our clients in our Courses For Health Professionals™ group as well as what I was reflecting on yesterday when I was filming some content for our faves (what we call my beloved clients) in that same program.

First of all, let me confess… this was me to a T.

I am the biggest (recovering) perfectionist there is.

And it wasn't till I realized just how much it was costing me that I started to loosen the reins.

On today's FB live I'm talking about perfectionism, what you might not even consider perfectionism (it's sneaky!) and how it's costing you in several ways.

  • If you're delaying taking action…
  • If you're overthinking…
  • If you're often telling yourself (or others) now is not the right time…

Hate to break it to you but that's CLASSIC perfectionism and it's costing you $ and more…

This is exactly what I talked about in my Facebook Live, check it out here and hit me with a comment if this resonates with you.

Let me know if this resonates by hitting reply or leaving a comment on the vid!



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