April 1, 2022

How this certified neurofeedback practitioner went from $0 to $48k months in just over a year.

I just got off a live video stream with my amazing client, Darla Meulemans, a certified neurofeedback coach whose work was entirely one on one before we met. Check it out here!

What I love most about Darla's journey is that when she started with us she was hesitant about creating a course at all let alone charging $2k for one! And as if those doubts weren't enough, she had a mountain of debt and her practice had almost disappeared overnight when the pandemic hit.

With both her and her partner being self-employed, it was all hitting the fan at once.
Many people would argue it was the worst time to take a big risk, invest in a coach or program, and jump into creating an entirely new business.

But often challenges present opportunities and Darla chose to see it as exactly that. 

If you wanna hear the good, the bad and the ugly of what it took her to create a (now $6,000) online program, have her first $48k month, buy a new car (in cash), pay off $60k in credit card debt, and take a luxury vacation for her birthday (and do all of this in the middle of this crazy year and a half we've all lived) watch the quick replay here. 

Watch now and bring the tissues for when she talks about the love and support from her partner and young daughter.

What's on your bucket list?


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