July 27, 2015

What's your Biggest Question About Making Serious Money from Ebooks? - Sylvie McCracken

I hope you're enjoying your summer and your summer reading list from my last post! 🙂  I've been taking a little time to do some reading (like actual reading) as well. I even perused an actual bookstore yesterday- something I haven't done in quite a while.  It was as awesome as I remember.

Anyway, I'm gonna keep it brief today….

This week I have a question for YOU!  In talking to a few of you in the comments on the blog, it seems like your biggest interest is around ebooks- am I right?

Specifically, how I manage to make a living from my ebooks that continues to sell every single day (actually, more often it’s in the middle of the night) 😉

So, I wanna talk more about that!  

Getting right to the point, so you can get right back to the beach….

What is your BIGGEST question when it comes to creating and making serious money from an ebook (or several)?  

Comment below with your answer, and I’ll be reading each and every one!

Thanks so much for taking 2 minutes to comment, peeps! I really appreciate that.

The questions I hear most often are the ones I'm gonna tackle first so even if you think it's been asked… shoot it over to me anyway! I'd love to hear from you!

What's your Biggest Question About Making Serious Money from Ebooks? - Sylvie McCracken

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