Ok, now let’s jump in!
The first step in Module 1 is all about developing your ideal offer and it’s the MOST important thing we’ll do together. It is foundational to get it right before we move onto anything else.
How to Decide Your Business Model and Length of Your Program
Narrowing Down Your Ideal Offer
Access the worksheet here to complete this exercise and send it in for Critique when it’s ready!
⚠️ STOP: Submit your Narrowing Down worksheet for Critique before moving forward! ⚠️
Be sure to celebrate and share your wins with us, too!
Once your mission statement is approved, make sure you’re putting it out there! Here’s a worksheet to show you a few places you can post your mission statement, shout it from the rooftops!
Designing your 1.0 Program Outline
⚠️ STOP: Submit your Outline worksheet for Critique before moving forward! ⚠️
Be sure to celebrate and share your wins with us, too!
Need Some Inspiration?
Check out the Narrowing Down workshop
Deciding Support for Your Program
Worksheet – Deciding Support For Your Program
❓Need feedback on your deciding support worksheet? Bring your questions to the next Coaching Call!
Deciding Pricing for Your Program
Worksheet – Deciding Pricing For Your Program
❓Need feedback on your deciding support worksheet? Bring your questions to the next Coaching Call!
Tools and Logistics for Module 1
Waiting for a Critique?
Here are a few things Sylvie recommends if you’re in the waiting period
Read The Big Leap
Add to your 50 Reasons Why – (See Module 2)
Once your missions statement is in progress: start putting that mission statement everywhere!
- Email signature, Facebook bio
Start creating a presence on Facebook
- Make sure you are findable (your profile is set to public), and have a profile picture
Organize your calendar to create space and bandwidth for this program, and taking care of you
- Think like a business owner here!
You can also always watch previous Q&A Calls here