Group Coaching 
:: Scheduled Thursdays with Sylvie @ 9am PST/12pm EST
As a Mastermind Member, you will gain business support from Sylvie….LIVE! This is the core component to this 12 month experience. So, do what you need to do to be there!
About this session…
- 3/10
- 3/17
- 3/24
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HOW TO GET COACHED: Have a Q you’d like coaching around on the upcoming call to help you achieve your 90-day goals? Reserve your spot today!
CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT your question so Team Sylvie can prepare to coach you on the upcoming call.
:: How to screenshare on an iPad (IOS 12.1)
- Log into zoom meeting on iPad
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- Long click screen recording
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:: Sylvie’s Coaching Call Expectations
:: Support Team Recos re: Weekly Coaching Calls with Sylvie
- Every Wednesday we will send you an email that contains the weekly zoom link and a link to the Q & A submission form. Or a reminder that there is no call that week.
- Every Wednesday when there is a group call, we will also change the details here on this page so you can always come to the membership site.
- We recommend you call in from your computer and make sure to use a headset or earbuds to reduce echo and background noise. If you’re not at a computer during the call, you can call in.
- Do be prepared when getting coaching from Sylvie to share where you are at in your 90-day plan (see your personal page on this site for a refresher) and consider how your question will help you achieve your plan:)
- On the rare occasion that the date/time of the call will change due to Sylvie’s travel schedule or our guest expert’s availability, send you an email in advance to let you know of the change.
- Our Calls will all be recorded and will be uploaded to this page by EOD Friday. fyi: The videos will remain embedded on this “EEMM coaching page” for the duration of your year!
- All super helpful coaching + teaching segments from the weekly calls (chosen personally by Sylvie!) will be edited and added into our growing Entrepreneur Engines Mastermind Digital Engine– placed into the proper area: LEVERAGE or AUDIENCE or SALES or MINDSET . It is here in Our Engine where we hope that you can find 24/7 inspiration and business direction between calls.
:: Call recordings
? Update! We’ll be using links straight to zoom for recordings now, so you can see the chat messages. Click the date to watch the recording. ?
March 17, 2022 Q&A Call Recording
Link to Transcription
- Teaching: The Introvert Selling System (00:05) –
Live Questions:
- Valerie Polley ⏱️ (28:46) –
Should everyone be doing a sales page or is this just for the introvert seller?
- Becca Van De Water ⏱️ (29:23) –
if we have a “buy” button on our sales page, what about vetting the person to be sure it’s a good fit?
- Kristen O’Dell ⏱️ (1:05:45) –
Should I do PRE sales for people THINKING about it trying to get pregnant so they can buy at a lower price point? Then have them start the program later after pregnant?
March 10, 2022 Q&A Call Recording
Link to Transcription
- Mindset Minute: ⏱️ (05:43) How to create a lead magnet to build your email list
Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Kira Kayle ⏱️ (28:46) –
- Where do we post our mission statements? What do we put on our existing websites and FB sites? I don’t have an email list, how do you develop one?
- What is the purpose of the laser call? What are appropriate questions?
- Michelle Provitola ⏱️ (31:32) –
- Is there a specific program you recommend for Taxes and financial planning? I have to stay organized from the get-go..
- Is there a way we can do FB LIVES and have the text copy itself so we are not typing the transcript out?
- Valerie Lynn Polley ⏱️ (47:08) –
- I had a phone call with your attorney today. She said the best way to keep my business separate from the course is to have a separate website (from my business). Do you think this is a good idea or too much to do right now? She said it can be very simple, but I know that is another added expense.
- I have trouble deciding on support for my program. I have it narrowed down to a private FB page, live group Q&A and help tickets. I am leaning towards the live group Q&A and help tickets. I have a private FB page for my business and I do nothing with it, so I am concerned about having one. Is live Q&A with help tickets enough help?
- Krista Chernoff ⏱️ (54:10) –
What are your thoughts on tailoring a few modules of the course to special populations of clients? My course is to help women reduce fatigue, PMS, and period problems. I had my first 2 sales calls and the women had completely different issues and likely have different nutrition needs. I have a feeling that this trend will continue as I talk to more women. So, if I made specialized modules for populations of women, it would be like if someone has already been diagnosed with PCOS, they would be sent different nutrition modules than someone with regular cycles with painful periods.
- Jessica Stevenson & Laura Boyer ⏱️ (59:07) –
- We’re having difficulty narrowing down the support for our program. We feel this age group needs a little more handholding and guiding, as do their parents. Considering our population (teens & young adults), how can we provide them a personalized experience without overwhelming ourselves…and them? Can you give us recommendations?
- Also, do we need to worry about liability?
- Rebecca Van De Water ⏱️ (1:13:37) –
I would like to talk about pricing of my 12-week program. I’ve come back to this question for myself many times. I currently have it priced at $4500 for 12 weeks. I feel confident in this price. AND- I am realizing that my sense of integrity is challenging this. Not everyone can afford this, and I want to help a diverse group of women. I can’t stay in my integrity and ask people to go into debt to afford my program. So the question is: Can we brainstorm how to find a balance between making the program accessible to many people AND me earning a living wage?
Live Question:
- Krista Chernoff ⏱️ (1:31:58) –
I’ve read that courses sell better with a price ending in 7….what are your thoughts on changing the price to this?
February 24, 2022 Q&A Call Recording
Link to Transcription
- Mindset Minute: ⏱️ (09:08) How to not Burnout during the building process
Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Michelle Provitola ⏱️ (30:03) –
- I have started sharing my Mission statement and I have had a whopping awesome response. The statement is: I help Healthcare Professionals conquer burnout so that they will feel enabled, inspired & empowered. My next step is to explore what “Burnout” means? Do I get input from colleagues, friends, SM? Or do I explore the positive side of this equation such as feeling “enabled, inspired & empowered?
- I am missing the comrades in the field of nursing BUT I have a great product I am building so I want to stay laser-focused and not return to the bedside. Do you know anyone else that has ventured out to use CREATIVITY to help other Healthcare Professionals feel more inspired, enabled, and empowered? Feeling alone.
- What are the best ways to pull in and include helpers that are reliable at the beginning as volunteers? Ex: Moderators for FB and Email tickets submissions or a moderator to collect questions for a live call?
- Rebecca Van De Water ⏱️ (49:40) –
Hey Sylvie! I am working on my 50 Reasons Why. I’ve got about 30, and am just totally stuck. Can we brainstorm a bit?
- Krista Chernoff ⏱️ (1:00:06) –
- In regard to FB lives: if I have a more diverse following on Instagram than FB (right now, most of my FB followers and group are family and friends, who I feel like will not purchase my course), would you recommend doing Instagram lives also? Or doing an Instagram live, then posting that recording on my FB page and group?
- In regard to social media, do you recommend posting often to my business FB and Instagram accounts? There’s a lot of pressure to post consistently if you want to market and sell your product, and I find it draining and hate being on social media a lot. I have gone through spurts of posting more and it hasn’t resulted in sales (although I have never done it consistently for a long time). Is this a necessary thing to push through, or do you find a better outcome (people actually booking sales calls) by doing FB lives and then posting to promote it occasionally?
- Shakira Thomas Navies ⏱️ (1:10:43) –
When people reach out via social media regarding interest in my business, do I always offer them to book a call with me (call and convert) or give them the details in a private message?
February 10, 2022 Q&A Call Recording
Link to Transcription
- Mindset Minute: ⏱️ (04:08) Confidence
Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Rebecca Van De Water ⏱️ (25:43) –
Hi Sylvie! I am starting to feel like an imposter. I have designed a 12-week course to help women reclaim their energy so that they can live a life of purpose, passion, and power. Aaaand… I myself am still a work in progress. I know this subject from the inside out as a chronically tired person. And I know what is working for me (and many others). But I’m not yet the picture of a woman with plenty of energy. How do I proceed confidently? And there’s a second piece to this- when I describe how long I’ve been helping women with this…. what do I say? I’ve been in clinical practice for 15+ years, and have worked with hundreds of women. But have I specifically helped coachable and committed women reclaim their energy for all these years,? no. I’ve been teaching women this stuff for years, but haven’t seen the outcomes because of the unmotivated population I’ve worked with. How do I present myself confidently and accurately?
- Howard Hong ⏱️ (33:11) –
I have seen programs that offer two options of delivery: one option is the course with coaching and another option of the same course without coaching (so just the course by itself) at a lower cost. What is your opinion of offering these two options for our program?
- Valerie Lynn Polley ⏱️ (40:05) –
I help people with digestive distress eliminate their symptoms, so they can (break free from the daily digestive constraints)(regain control of their life)(gain back their daily freedoms)(feel liberated by better gut health)(feel empowered to now actively engage in life).
- Kristen O’Dell ⏱️ (43:06) –
- I need to keep up with some regular personal development. Do you have a list of PD for confidence building as well as motivation?
- I want to create a logo, brand, including an animated logo for the beginning of each video I create. I have used FIVRR before for this, but I figured I’d ask for any advice on contracting for this. Should I look for a social media branding package? Is there anything that’s a MUST HAVE when purchasing logo/branding from a graphic designer?
- It was advised in the critique call this week that I get some sort of tracking system to know where my clients are in the program when to fire off the Weeks 6-8 texting content. I do not want to go back and implement a new tracking system so I’d like to do it the most organized from the beginning. Are there any programs I could look into to keep my clients organized in their process?
- Jessica Stevenson & Laura Boyer ⏱️ (57:12) –
Now that we finally have a business name, we need to come up with an impactful tagline that clearly and concisely explains the expected outcome of completing our program. We would love to help with this. You were so helpful with our mission.
February 3, 2022 Q&A Call Recording
Link to Transcription
- Mindset Minute: ⏱️ (06:25) Auditing Your Beliefs
Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Kristen O’Dell ⏱️ (25:22) –
I’m struggling with wanting to do an 8-week course (as advised), but finding I’m trying to pack too much into too short a time. I was given feedback that my initial 8-week outline seemed more like 3 courses in 1 and that was correct ( I didn’t even have everything in there). So, should I create 3 separate courses and try to funnel people along from one to the next (prenatal fitness, prenatal prep course, newborn course) or do one larger, longer Mastering Motherhood course and put it all in one? If I do that, is the price the same?
- Kristina de Bree ⏱️ (35:46) –
I got stuck again. I’m not sure why I think it’s a mindset issue. I was working on the contract and when I submitted for feedback It was suggested to speak to a lawyer to fine-tune. I don’t know what kind of lawyer to contact and am worried about the cost. I’m nervous about moving forward without making sure the contract is appropriate and protects me/my business.
- Lisabeth Mackall ⏱️ (41:15) –
I am confusing myself between FB groups and pages. I have both but cannot remember which to use – I don’t seem to be able to allow people to book appointments on my group, but can on my page? Can you discuss the differences and options, and which we should use?
- Sarah E.V. Clark ⏱️ (44:52) –
What is the best way to use PAS’s for online/social media content to create interest in your offerings, program, FB group, etc?
January 20, 2022 Q&A Call Recording
Link to Transcription
- Mindset Minute: ⏱️ (04:00)
Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Brittany Lamb ⏱️ (27:00) –
- She joined a FB group for dementia with a 30K audience as an expert and moderator. The group is run by a PT entrepreneur, who is going to interview her next week. Joining the group comes at a cost of $47 a month. She’s curious to know how long would you suggest to stick to the group and see if this generates leads, or should she use that money to boost her posts on FB or use that on FB ad?
- She did her QCI and had people showing interest, but most people say money is an issue. Aside from asking if money is the only thing keeping them from signing up, what are the good payment plan options she could provide for those who are on the fence only because of money?
Follow-up Questions:
- Dr. Devin N. Bailey ⏱️ (40:00) –
Do businesses have to register for PayPal credit, or is it automatically offered to clients when we have a business account?
- Theresa Crawford ⏱️ (41:18) –
I was working on creating a Facebook live and on the worksheet, it says to connect by booking a call with this link. I did not see how to do that? Am I missing something? How do I get that set up so I can do more lives?
- Jessica Morlan ⏱️ (42:32) –
Can we pitch the same or similar ideas to different affiliates˛to avoid the dilemma of having to decline one if two affiliates are interested in the same idea
Live Questions:
- Kristen O’Dell ⏱️ (44:40) –
Question about generating an app for the program.
January 13, 2022 Q&A Call Recording
Link to Transcription
- Mindset Minute: ⏱️ (03:00)
Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Kristina de Bree⏱️ (11:35) –
- After the holidays, I’m feeling stuck and overwhelmed and don’t know how to break down my to-do list into a micro to-do list to know where to get started or what to do next.
- Potential client outreach: What to say when people ask about the program without scaring them away?
- Also about outreach: What to do when I texted a couple of people who were previously interested in my program and got no response or when people who used to have immense interest in my program now said they cannot afford the program until a later date?
- Howard Hong ⏱️ (34:20) –
About program support and delivery platform: what is your opinion about using one of these all-in-one platforms for course creations like Kajabi or Zenler that includes things beyond the modules?
- Sarah E. v. Clark ⏱️ (38:10) –
- What is the best way to begin branding if I want to create a dynamic branding message across all platforms in order to establish a solid foundation for all future growth and success?
- What is the best way to cultivate a career that allows for both In-person one-on-one meetings and Online coursework and programs?
- Jessica Stevenson & Laura Boyer ⏱️ (44:10) –
- Laura has an LLC for her educational consulting business and our collaboration will be life coaching vs. educational consulting. Should we be building our program off of her business or should we make our program and business a separate entity?
- Target clientele: Our program is about helping adolescents/young adults develop self-awareness so they can be change agents in their own personal evolution. As our business grows, we hope to expand our services to adults. Self-awareness can be marketed to anyone. Should we just market to young adults at this time, or should we market our program to anyone needing support through a life transition?
- Length of program: How do we determine the length of our program? Research shows that it takes 66 days to form a habit (9 weeks).
Live Questions:
- Becca ⏱️ (45:02) –
Sylvie what if we already have an LLC, and we aren’t collaborating with another person. Should we still keep the course and pre-existing LLC separate?
January 6, 2022 Q&A Call Recording
Link to Transcription
- Mindset Minute: ⏱️ (04:36)
Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Dr. Devin N. Bailey, NP-BC ⏱️ (19:42) –
Hi! I would like to charge more than 2K. I am leaning towards at least 7.5K or 10K : ). My question is should a program at this price point actually be offered to patients (more involved) instead of coaching? Also, should I make it longer than an 8-week program, due to the price?
- Julie Stolle ⏱️ (27:25) –
How do you address the clients that don’t want to take your full course but would just like to learn as much as they can in a “quick” face-to-face? Or in a couple of hour meeting?
- Lauren Smith ⏱️ (32:40) –
- I’m stuck and working on getting back on track but having a huge mental block around my topic.
- Any advice for fast-tracking and what to focus on in the two months left? I’m in module 4, anything I should skip or double up on?
Live Questions:
- Jenn ⏱️ (44:50) –
Question: Tips & tricks on doing lives and making content at night. I love using daylight but it’s very limited. Also any tips on scheduling around kids, on top of a full-time job
- Kristen:⏱️ (49:46 ) –
Can you touch on Facebook or social media… should we be using our personal pages or creating business pages? Because I have a lot of political posts and things with my kids and I’m not super professional on there because it’s real and it’s me and who I am… I’m wondering if I should be utilizing FB differently…. should my page be public, private, etc… I apologize if this is part of a module- but I’m on module 1 and just starting out.
December 9, 2021 Recording
Link to Transcription
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (36:15) –
I want to discuss Sales Strategy moving forward.
I haven’t been super successful getting people on 1:1 calls. When I do, my conversion rate is pretty good but my strategy for getting people on calls is not effective.I will continue with FB posts, need to do more podcast pitches but the First 50 feels like a stretch…
I’ve tried the Launch method with good success but this is a lot of work I will continue to do quarterly.
I want to consider Ads.
I want to consider an evergreen type of mini-course that introduces people to me and gets them either to my workshop or to my signature program sales page to apply and from there I make a call.Would like your thoughts on a plan for me moving into 2022.
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (36:15) –
November 18, 2021 Recording
Link to Transcription
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:38) –
- How important are slides? Last time I did not use slides and honestly, I am not sure I can pull slides together in time so would love your opinion on how important slides are. I have a workbook that essentially people can follow along in. I need advice on branding and social media marketing:
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (04:40) –
- How important is it to have brand clarity? I don’t want things to look hodgepodge and have been trying to get someone through Upwork to help with graphic design but the 4 people who’ve done test projects aren’t what I want. I need someone to help rework a logo, find me a color palette, I’ve not found anyone to help me with making my workbook beautiful and also to rework some visual recaps.
November 4, 2021 Recording
Link to Transcription
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:10) –
- Since my last live launch was such a success, I am going to do another one and create some ads that I may run. FB and IG won’t link my biz website for some reason so I’m trying to get to the bottom of that. Any thoughts? I get a message that it goes against community standards.
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:40) –
- This is not short but I want to paint a picture. My last workshop I offered for free but I’m going to charge for this one but super low ticket ($37), just to help cover ad costs and they will get access to the call replays which I’ll upload to Thinkific which I didn’t do last time. Thoughts on price point? Re-attendees will get $10 off.Last time I also didn’t have slides but I’m thinking about doing slides this time for more visual learning opportunities and making the PDF of those slides available. But it’s really mindset-based and experiential so I would love input on how to keep the feel-good part while having slides.On day 4 I plan to pitch my online program which last time offered the 6 months. I’m rethinking that… it’s feeling like a long time AND after just 4 weeks with my new model of 2 group calls a week, current participants are making amazing progress. So, I’m thinking about offering a 3-month version price point of $5K pay in full and combining these new people with the last 3 months of my current program and possibly assigning peer mentors. Would love your thoughts on that if it might be confusing.
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (11:30) –
- Also thinking about some people that are still wanting more 1:1 and I’ve created a tiered model I may have shown you but would like your opinion on pitching these options. 1 high ticket $8K offers more 1:1 over 3 months, 1 mid-range for $5K pay in full, and then a self-study.
October 21, 2021 Recording
October 7, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Darla ⏱️ (03:49)
- I’m struggling to find enough time to do everything I need to do and I really need to outsource more. I need someone to help me with social media posting outside of my Facebook lives. A friend suggested using Portland State marketing interns. She’s had great luck. Thoughts on this?
- Darla ⏱️ (08:39)
- I also need an assistant to help with organizing my Google docs & other tasks. Would you use upwork for this?
- Darla ⏱️ (12:10)
- Finally, I’m finding it hard to keep up with the emails from my program participants who are submitting their work to me & realizing I may need to shift this part of the program or hire someone to respond to emails. But that feels hard b/c I’m doing lots of coaching in these emails. Thoughts?
September 16, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Leslie ⏱️ (00:00)
- Sales and mindset breakdown
August 26, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Darla ⏱️ (00:37)
- Can you help me think through how a conversation would go where I would offer the downsell of my 8 week program and wondering if that should include the one 30 minute 1:1 & the additional group sessions I’m offering once a month or just be the modules & the Q & A?
- Darla ⏱️ (03:33)
- I’ve historically only offered my signature program to women but for my promotional workshop I’m not being gender exclusive which may mean I get men who hear my pitch & want to join. I’m wondering if I get enough of each if I should do separate gender specific group coaching sessions. Pros & cons?
- Darla ⏱️ (13:10)
- Need to keep processing on hiring & figuring out who I need. I’m loving having this upwork gal working on various tech things for me so it’s got me thinking about other things I could use like social media manager, or someone to schedule out my emails. I need help knowing what tasks to take off my hands
August 12, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (03:08)
- Can we talk about having many less expensive pick and choose courses rather than the one big giant course? (We also chatted about burnout in this answer)
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (32:10)
- I am really needing to hire someone to run my neurofeedback sessions.
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (41:27)
- I’m still not clear on what my call to action is for Maraya’s interview or the blog. Can I have more then one?
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (45:17)
- Ideas for where and how to get people to my 5 day live event beyond what I’m already doing
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (50:05)
- I’d like some direction on formulating my book ideas.
August 5, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Leslie ⏱️ (00:23 – 13:50)
- Do I use a time clock for my new Ex Asst?
- And do I just ask her to do all the things that I am bad at ( regular Mailchimp posts/FB posts/ spreadsheets?)
- Is it “bad” that I asked her to figure out Trello? (I hired her already, btw)
- Leslie ⏱️ (14:10 – 23:04)
- If I post a Facebook Live, and am just distracted etc/not on my A game, is that going to hurt sales calls? I just have one as it is.
- Darla ⏱️ (23:08 – 59:15)
- In preparing for my interview w/ Maraya There are several things I’m needing to do & need advice on:
- Setting up an affiliate link which I think the person I hired to help with thinkific said she could do. What do I need to know about this?
- I need a call to action… I’d like to invite them to register for my free workshop which I’m calling “The Anxious Mind Makeover”. Should I also invite people to a Breakthrough Call? I’ll need a registration page for my workshop. I think I can do this in Thinkific too.
- I need something free they could download. Do I just provide a link to the PTD that lives in my Google drive or also put this on my website or in Thinkific?
- What questions do I want Maraya to ask me?
Live Questions:
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (59:27 – 1:01:10)
- Should I start a YouTube channel?
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (59:27 – 1:01:10)
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (1:01:14 – 1:05:48)
- Should I be using hashtags?
July 29, 2021 Teaching Call – How To Onboard A New Team Member For Control Freaks
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:30:15)
Is there a way to share most of my Google docs in one blanket way with my VA? Or is it one at a time? - Leslie Cole
No question. I think I found my VA. She doesn’t know all the things like Mailchimp yet, but I felt soooo good about her work style, ethic, her basic SC ness that I feel confident that she will pick up on it.
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:30:15)
July 22, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Sylvie⏱️ (00:00:00)
- Announcing that critique calls will now be WEEKLY! And announcing that next week’s teaching call will be how to onboard a new team member for control freaks (steps, tools etc)
- Mindset Minute ⏱️ (00:00:45)
- The “boring” work
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:05:10)
Want to help me review Ex Asst resumes? And help me prepare to interview?
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:34:14)
I’d like some suggestions on how to use happy clients from over the years who haven’t done my online program but who’ve maybe done NFB or consultation with me, to help pitch my program. I want to produce some sort of a video but also have the ability to pull these folks into a live event. I feel like I need a mindset kick around this mostly b/c I know I have happy customers who’ve worked with me but I only have 2-3 from the last year in this program that I think would show up and do a good job talking about their transformation. - Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:38:41).Not sure if I’ll make the call or not this week but have a few things on my mind.I want to convert my course to a program. I’m entering into week 6 with my current program attendees and I’m feeling like they aren’t ready to launch solo in 2 weeks. I haven historically offered a continuation program to them for 3 or 6 months at a time at a cost of $500/mo which includes weekly group calls and 1 hour of 1:1 each month. I’m thinking about upping the continuation to $800 with 2 hours of 1:1 coaching and 3 group sessions. I’m also considering offering a longer program that will better solidify the transformation I’m going for, which would include my already created 8 module content plus follow up months with the group calls and 1:1 coaching. 12 months feels like too long so want help thinking through length, how I would distribute the 8 modules – thinking about 1 every 2 weeks for first 4 months then 4 months of continuation. Then also thinking about pricing. Thoughts?
I also want to offer a twice yearly mindset virtual event for folks who buy my longer program. So I need to include that in pricing -
July 8, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Introductions or Housekeeping Notes:
⏱️ (00:00:00) – Mindset Minute: Visualizing the end result often (journaling, vision board, writing it out)
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:22:50)
Thinking about logistics for webinars, both for referral sources and inviting warm and even cold audience. How do I market it and invite people? How do I have them officially register and get them into my database with mailchip so I can send email reminders, etc. How far out should I schedule it? Should I offer it at more than one time? If I wanted to have something like a little sales page type of thing for the event, what would it say (ex: what they’ll get in the webinar, who it’s for, who I am), what tool do I use? And then I want to hear more about the call to action from the webinar – is it an invitation to schedule a 1:1? Would you ever have people just automatically sign up for the program or we want to screen them first? Thanks!
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:22:50)
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:42:20)
I am realizing that I need people energy to get my stuff done. Is it the high I? Don’t know. Anyway, I know what to do, but need help. Too many ideas and exciting stuff.
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:42:20)
- Introductions or Housekeeping Notes:
June 24, 2021 Q&A Call
⏱️ Timestamps
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Leslie Cole
Job Description for a VA. Can the first line be, must be able to write your own job description?
- Leslie Cole
June 24, 2021 Teaching Call – Webinar Training Part II
✨ Bonus Materials:
June 10, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Introductions or Housekeeping Notes:
⏱️ (00:00:00) – Mindset Minute:
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:08:50)
I’m thinking about hiring help with social media marketing b/c I just don’t have the time to do it as much as I want it done. I’m seeing some companies who do it but have 2 private people who have been recommended that I’m speaking with. I don’t know what’s reasonable for payment and looking for guidance here. I will still have some hands on.
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:08:50)
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:16:40)
I am thinking about doing a live event or webinar for potential customers and the impetus is that I have an alumni that isn’t on FB who has several of her church friends who she would like to introduce to me and get familiar with how I work. She keeps asking me when I’m going to do this. I’m thinking this would be the Part II session you talked about for building a slide deck presentation for referral sources/ peers (Part I) then one for potential customers. I know this isn’t part of my 90 Day plan but this is a strategy for leveraging my warm audience rather than expanding my audience and it seems like lower hanging fruit. Thoughts?
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:16:40)
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:18:55)
I’m reworking my materials in version 2.0 of my program. It’s hard b/c I’m not finding I can just edit down my old materials and its actually really time consuming to try to do this and somewhat easier to re-record. I am struggling to condense my course material though. I don’t want this to be overwhelming but need pointers on how to sort out what is most important for moving the needle and creating a significant transformation for my clients. Phoebe gave me feedback on my outline and cutting some things out but I’m not sure if I feel like I need more b/c I want to be sure I’m delivering what I promised for the pricepoint or if there’s really more then an 8 week program or what? Thinking about front end back end but how this would look and I don’t want to do a 12 month program – I would do 6 months at a time. I think a year is too long.
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:18:55)
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:27:05)
I want to run the “day job” situation by you. I want to exit but…I found something that is going to be published. I guess I need your perspective on it.
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:27:05)
- Introductions or Housekeeping Notes:
May 27, 2021 Bonus Coaching Call Recording
✨ Bonus Materials:
May 20, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Introductions or Housekeeping Notes:
⏱️ (00:00:00) – Mindset Minute: Hitting the reset button
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:05:30)
I want to do this: Finish my 6 month course, and have it be the only one I coach, and turn my current 8 week course into a total DIY.
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:05:30)
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:09:32)
I want to resubmit my 6 month course outline for critique.
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:09:32)
- Jess Munson ⏱️ (00:16:16)
I am presenting my program to the entire state of Idaho’s leadership teams for sexual assault via zoom with a 20 minute presentation . What is the best platform to use, what would you suggest for approach, including content, etc.? How to present the program without completely giving away all my nuggets?
- Jess Munson ⏱️ (00:16:16)
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:39:01)
Can you help us with how we position the offer? What do I do? Who do I serve? How do I serve them?
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:39:01)
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:42:00)
Could we even offer something like these to CME, continuing education hours?
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:42:00)
- Introductions or Housekeeping Notes:
May 6, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Introductions or Housekeeping Notes:
⏱️ (00:00:00) – Mindset Minute – You can’t be made at the results you don’t have from the work you haven’t done.
- Pre-Submitted Questions:
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:05:35)
How do you keep running your business when you find yourself in the middle of a 8/10 emotional shift?
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:05:35)
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:11:30)
When you’re in the middle of a stuck place, is it a good thing to plan some other courses? (like a mini course?)
- Leslie Cole ⏱️ (00:11:30)
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:17:04)
I’d like to talk about webinars to launch & promote my newly revamped program
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:17:04)
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:35:17)
I’d like to revisit hiring & priorities. Struggling to know what’s best option. Home help or office help
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:35:17)
- Introductions or Housekeeping Notes:
April 8, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Event Prep ⏱️ (00:00:30)
- A bit of info on how to best mentally prepare for the event.
- Housekeeping ⏱️ (00:04:30)
- Update about deadlines, and a few reminders.
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:11:25)
- Question – What’s the plan for 1:1 coaching sessions moving forward?
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:14:49)
- Question – Can we get clarity on what my back-end offer is? what is included? Pricing and how in the heck do I move through mindset blocks to ask for that type of commitment?
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:37:35)
- Question – How do you decide when to pay people on 1099 vs W-2? Advantages? Disadvantages?
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:41:15)
- Question – Since I’m traveling to the coast for our work session on the 22nd/23rd, can you advise on anything I need besides my computer, a notebook, pen & to stay hydrated?
- Darla Meulemans ⏱️ (00:42:10)
- Question – I’m entering my 2nd 90 days, obviously still need to continue with my plan from 1st and hit First 50 but would love help w/ a focus. And pointers on First 50 cuz I feel like I’m shootings in the dark.
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:45:36)
- Question – What are your thoughts on a business line of credit at 9.5%
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:51:12)
- Question – Please give me advice/support on FB algorithms. Community posts in my group will get 2k-4K engagement and my posts literally are not seen. Even when pinned, people can’t find. Maybe 200 engagement
- Event Prep ⏱️ (00:00:30)
March 25, 2021 Recording
⏱️ Timestamps
- Mindset minute: ⏱️ (00:00:00)
- Ask yourself if you’re stressed/tired/overwhelmed because you’re trying to accomplish a 3-year plan in 90 days.
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:05:59)
- Question: Let’s get clarity on 8 wk program, age 40+ vs younger than 40 to meet needs of clients. Then, 6 or 12 month program for all.
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:23:25)
- Question: What are your thoughts on the “live launch” method and doing launches quarterly?
- Maraya Brown ⏱️ (00:28:45)
- Question: Can you please talk about Facebook algorithms (to get more views), building on Instagram, and or clubhouse? How much time per week is reasonable to be carving out on my calendar to be going live on those three platforms?
- Mindset minute: ⏱️ (00:00:00)